Chicago Alderwoman Julia Ramirez had to be rushed away by police this week when she was confronted by a mob of angry residents who were protesting the site of a new migrant camp.

Tensions have been rising in Chicago for months as the city has become overwhelmed with illegal border crossers.

A large portion of people who live in the city clearly do not want the sanctuary city policies that have been embraced by their Democrat leaders.

Breitbart News reported:

You can see the moment Ramirez was rushed away below. This video is very loud:

Ramirez later released this statement saying one of her staffers was injured in the scuffle.

Communities around the country are being pushed to a breaking point by Biden's open border.

The post Chicago Alderman Rushed Away by Police When She's Confronted by Angry Residents Protesting New Migrant Camp (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.