Last Updated on October 27, 2023

Joe Biden's Vice President, Kamala Harris called for the mass confiscation of American firearms during a speech she made alongside the Australian Prime Minister in the aftermath of a mass shooting in Maine that's closely linked to the federal government and has exposed the failings of the military's mental healthcare system.

"Gun violence has terrorized and traumatized so many of our communities in this country," Harris said. "And let us be clear, it does not have to be this way. As our friends in Australia have demonstrated," she went on, endorsing the banning and confiscation of American firearms.

Australian-style gun control, as it's widely known, has been championed for years by the American left and was spurred by a 1996 Australian mass shooting that led to the rapid banning and confiscation of firearms through a so-called "buy back" program.

Australian citizens who refused to surrender their weapons to the mandatory buy back were identified by gun cops, who went door-to-door to confiscate their weapons.

At times, the gun confiscation came under the penalty of death, as was the case with the world-famous Crocodile Dundee, who was killed by Australian gun confiscators when he refused to hand his firearms over to the federal government.

Watch Harris make her call for gun control in the video below:

Related: DOD was Aware of Maine Shooting Suspect's Prior Threats

Harris's call for Australian-style gun control in the wake of an American mass shooting echoes those of other Democrats like Barack Obama, another longtime supporter of shredding the 2nd Amendment.

As National File reported, earlier this year, Obama called for Australian-style gun control to sweep America during a CBS interview, in which he also called for the media to be more monolithic in their support of his political agenda.

"In Australia, you had one mass shooting fifty years ago and they said 'Nope, we're not doing that anymore,'" Obama said, grossly overestimating how long ago the events in Australia actually took place.

Read More: Obama Calls for Gun Confiscation, Monolithic Media in CBS Interview

Infamously, under Obama, the federal government sold firearms to drug cartels and terror organizations through Operation Fast and Furious, in hopes that the weapons would be sold back across the border and used in crimes in the United States and drum up support for canceling the 2nd Amendment.

In at least one case, a Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry, was murdered by an assailant using one of the Obama-supplied guns.