Last Updated on September 25, 2023

The uni-party finally has its dream debate. Fox News announced that Sean Hannity will moderate a debate between Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom scheduled for November 30th at 9 pm Eastern time. Many political insiders speculate that the DNC will install Newsom as their nominee. A Newsom vs. DeSantis general election is a win-win for the uni-party as both candidates support globalist policy.

Loomer commented on the announced debate posting to X, "Did I or did I not tell all of you that the Dems would be inserting Gavin Newsom as their distraction now that Biden is failing? Anything to distract from the fact that @realDonaldTrump is dominating in national polls and @RonDeSantis is an absolute reject loser."

On Sunday, the WAPO-ABC News released a poll showing Trump beating Biden by 10 points in a general election match-up. This would lead to a historically large electoral college victory for Trump.

Due to this, many speculate that the DNC plans to install Gavin Newsom as their nominee. Newsom is an expert at causing decline as California ranks among the worst for homelessness, crime, and illegal immigration. Newsom is also an expert at ballot harvesting via mail-in ballots. This makes the California Governor a desirable choice for globalists who are hell-bent on destroying America.

DeSantis also supports globalist policy. Over the summer, DeSantis told his Silicon Valley Donors he is against Trump's tariffs. This free trade policy would allow the American market to be flooded with cheap goods from China, thus causing American farms and small businesses to close. The World Economic Forum has called for a complete shutdown of family farms in the west.

DeSantis also supports escalating the war in Ukraine. DeSantis' top advisor, Christina Pushaw, is a registed forigen agent of Ukraine. Governor DeSantis sent the Florida National Guard to Ukraine in 2021. DeSantis has also called Putin a war criminal.

Globalists would love to see Newsom vs. DeSantis in the general election. November's debate is just the start of the globalists' diabolical plot to rig the presidential election in their favor.