Last Updated on August 29, 2023

New polling from Roanoke College shows Donald Trump dominating the Virginia GOP Primary. Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, who has been spending a lot of time on Fox News teasing a potential presidential run, polled at an embarrassing 9% in his state. The same poll shows Ron DeSantis has lost 15 points in the state since May.

Trump leads in Virginia with 48% followed by DeSantis 13%, Youngkin 9% , Pence 7%, Scott 6% , Ramaswamy 5% , Christie 3% and Haley 2%.

Youngkin used Trump's endorsement to win the Virginia governorship in 2021. Since his victory, Youngkin has turned on Trump in DeSantis-like fashion, claiming he, like DeSantis, is solely responsible for the victory. Youngkin has been working ever since to purge Trump supporters from the Virginia GOP, resulting in RPV leadership becoming pro-Youngkin and anti-Trump.

Youngkin's 9% shows Virginia GOP voters support Trump much more than Youngkin and it's not even close. The Virginia GOP is now stuck in an awkward spot of having leadership that does not match the voter's will.

Another globalist GOP candidate is also experiencing embarrassment in the latest Virginia GOP polling. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has lost 15 points since May in the state. It looks like DeSantis' support went to Youngkin and Tim Scott. Vivek did not pull any of DeSantis' support away from him.

Trump commented on his poll numbers, writing on TruthSocail, " My Poll numbers are UP since the very boring, record-setting low (ratings!), Debate. Leading by BIG numbers. I made the right decision, and broke all records with the Tucker Carlson Interview!"

The 2024 GOP Virginia Primary takes place on Super Tuesday. Trump will be making a court appearance in D.C. the day before. Given the Virginia, California, and Texas primaries all happen on Super Tuesday, it's extremely likely Trump will clinch the nomination on that date.

Related: President Trump Blasts Glenn Youngkin's 2024 Prospects