Last Updated on October 20, 2023

Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene went on an unhinged rant towards NationalFile reporter Charles Downs after Downs asked the Congresswoman, "Do you regret backing Kevin McCarthy for Speaker?" Following the incident, many Trump supporters expressed disappointment towards MTG over her handling of the question.

MTG was silent when Downs first asked if she regretted supporting McCarthy as Greene made her way to the Speaker's Vote.

Following the vote, Downs again asked MTG if she regretted supporting McCarthy's Speakership bid. Greene responded to Downs' question, saying, "Do you have a real job? Or even a real life? I don't think so."

Downs responded with "Ouch."

Loomer took issue with Greene's attack on Downs, posting on X "She's so smug. Needs to be primaried ASAP. She thinks independent journalism isn't a real job. Someone should let @mtgreenee@RepMTG know that being an independent journalist is a more honorable/ real job than being a political prostitute & sucking @SpeakerMcCarthy's Dick all day."

On the incident, Downs says, "A lot of GOP voters were extremely upset that MTG backed McCarthy the way that she did. I was just asking MTG the question that most GOP voters have. If she would like to apologize to me, I would definitely have that conversation."

MTG was a crucial component in making McCarthy Speaker. Her voting record became so horrendous due to her support of McCarthy that MTG became the first Freedom Caucus member in history to be removed from the Caucus.

Following Friday's Speaker vote, the House GOP Conference voted 121-86 to remove Jordan as their Speaker nominee. MTG's strong defense of McCarthy could indicate McCarthy may be attempting to regain power.