Last Updated on October 16, 2023

Don Bacon is refusing to commit to vote NO on any candidate  for speaker who would require Democrat votes to meet the required number of 217 votes to be elected House Speaker.

National File reached out to Rep. Bacon and asked him whether he would publicly promise not to vote for a candidate for House Speaker who requires even one Democrat vote to meet that threshold, which is lower than the traditional 218 as a result of two vacancies in the U.S. House.

Bacon's silence comes at a time when the so-called "problem solver" caucus of Democrats and Republicans committed to the UniParty and Joe Biden's platitudes.

The Problem Solver Caucus has been somewhat splintered lately, however, over the decision of the entire Democrat conference deciding to oust Kevin McCarthy in early October.

That hasn't stopped Democrats from throwing in openly with Speaker Pro Tem Patrick McHenry.

On Friday, four Democrats sent a letter to acting House Speaker Patrick McHenry pushing to give him expanded powers so the House can resume its work of sending cash to illegal, unconstitutional wars in Ukraine, and, one surmises, in Israel.

Bacon is one of the top moderates and bi-partisan Republicans who crosses the aisle to partner with Democrats on legislation. So for Don Bacon, these schisms and kiss-and-make-up sessions are all part of the UniParty Tango Don Bacon knows so well.

FEC Records revealed Don Bacon, one of the few GOP House members refusing to support Jim Jordan for Speaker of The House, took massive donations from Google and Adam Kinzinger.

Bacon also said Biden won the 2020 election and voted to create the J6 Committee. Clearly, the UniParty is determined to stop Jordan's election with a speaker that the Democrats can control. This as President Trump and the GOP voters overwhelmingly support Jordan's candidacy for the Speakership.

FEC Records show Google INC NET Pac lining the pockets of Don Bacon for Congress. Google only gives to members of Congress who support their open borders low American wages policies. Clearly, Bacon falls into that camp. When Democrats were obstructing to President Trump's border wall funding, Bacon was against Trump declaring a national emergency to finish the wall.

Also shown in FEC records is Adam Kinzinger giving Don Bacon for Congress massive amounts of money. It seems Kinzinger had a plan to hold influence after he left Congress. Bacon is clearly a Kinzinger vessele.

Bacon said, " I would say Joe Biden won the 2020 election." Bacon voted against 2020 election integrity efforts and voted for certifying Biden as the winner of the 2020 election. Worse, Bacon voted to create the J6 Committee that Kinzinger sat on. Kinzinger's donations to Bacon make a lot of sense.

Bacon is one the few Republican holdouts to support Jordan's Speakership. Bacon's holdout is not only going against the will of GOP voters, but Bacon is also going against President Trump.

Trump recently endorsed Jordan for Speaker of the House. GOP members of Congress who go against Trump on significant votes usually end up losing a GOP Primary.

Bacon's office can be reached at 202-225-4155. The vote to make Jordan Speaker is scheduled for Tuesday at noon.