Last Updated on October 2, 2023

Joe Biden told Pro Publica that America will "very shortly" be a "minority white" country, thanks in no small part to the millions of third-world illegal aliens that his administration has opened American borders for. Previously, Biden vowed to make white Americans an "absolute minority" in their own country by way of "non-stop" third-world immigration.

Biden's interview with Pro Publica hit the internet on Sunday and touched on numerous topics as the embattled Democrat who is hemorrhaging support from his own party begins gearing up for 2024. In addition to slamming the free exchange of news, information, and ideas online, Biden took numerous swipes at the American People and said that "the fact is" white people will "very shortly" be a "minority" in the United States.

"The world's changing, John," Biden told the Pro Publica interviewer. "And we're gonna be, the fact is, we're gonna be very shortly a minority white European country," he said.

Biden went on to claim that despite the descendants of America's founding population and its Greatest Generation becoming a minority in their own country, nothing is actually going to change and blamed Republicans for not making it "clear" enough to white people that they need to accept minority status.

"And, sometimes, my colleagues don't speak enough to make it clear that, that doesn't, that's not gonna change how we operate. That's not gonna change them," said Biden.

That claim is absurd on its face, considering the skyrocketing levels of drug addiction, violent crime, wage suppression, etc. associated with America's open borders, and the extreme-left voting patterns of third-world migrants and their children, many of whom hail from socialist and communist countries.

Watch a clip from Biden's Pro Publica interview below: 

Biden's predictions of a white-minority America are nothing new, and date back to his days in the United States Senate and the Obama Administration.

As previously reported by National File, in 2014, sitting alongside Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden said that white Americans would soon be made an "absolute minority" through "non-stop" third-world immigration, and called the demise of America's founding population a "source of our strength."

The secret to America's success, Biden said at the time, "is an unrelenting stream of immigration – nonstop."

"Folks like me," he went on, "who are Caucasian, of European descent," will soon be "an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority," he boasted.

Flashback Video: Joe Biden Fantasizes About Making White Americans an 'Absolute Minority' Through 'Non-Stop' Immigration